We contribute 3 million dollars in
technological resources

If you are an NGO or a non-profit foundation that works for social good...

Apply »

The deadline for the execution of this program is 3 years from October 1, 2019 or until the budget is exhausted.

Eligibility Requirements

Non-profit charities recognized in your country that justify not having a budget to pay for Masterbase® services.

Aimed at...

Organizations whose work aims to:

  • The overcoming of poverty.
  • Education.
  • The improvement of social welfare.
  • Dissemination and preservation of culture.
  • The preservation of the environment.
  • Animal protection.

It is excepted...

They are excluded from the program:

  • Non-profit organizations that receive tax contributions in excess of 20% of the total budget of the organization.
  • Unions.
  • Government Institutions.
  • Political parties.

Review in detail the Basis of the program

Technological resources

Organizations benefiting from this program may use a MasterBase® account with the following characteristics:




free online

Nonptofits who are in the program